This post, rather than being a tutorial, is more a Storytime about what I lived while wanting to mount my own blog in my own equipment instead of renting a VPS.
That said, while I will try to do this from a general point of view, I will still focus on making this process exclusive for Linux, because, in my humble opinion, is more versatile, and more on point with the equipment I chose, besides not consuming as many resources as Windows or Mac. I mean, you could. But I don't really see the point. :P
In my previous post, I talked a bit about the existence of alternative social networks, giving special emphasis on the Fediverse, but I didn't really get into detail about which are those. So, in this kind of sequel, I'll mention some of the platforms I know, both the ones I have personally tried, and the ones I've been interested, but have not tried yet.
Let's face the reality. The changes in social politics in United States has caused that social networks adopt guidelines that further seek to affect the rights of vulnerable people, like women, people of color, migrants in USA, and LGBTIQPA+ people. And that's why a lot of people search alternatives in other networks. But what are our options? Well, I'll share some of my experience.
Bravo! I’m really impressed with you for your great ability to lose your last three best friends, every consecutive year without failing. And even more because you have lost the three of them for issues that were clearly your fault and by wanting to fix things, you just were able to make everything worse. I don’t know why you keep making an effort in wanting to keep relationships with people when obviously you can not. You’re always scared of being wrong with people, and you just don’t grow up as much as you tell people. Of course you deserve to be alone. I don’t know how you still have that spark of hope of things changing one day and you can have more stable interpersonal relationships. It’s evident you have way too many troubles, and you surely won’t be able to fix them. As much as you want to, that’s your nature. Just give up. It will be less tiring for you, and easier for everyone else to not reject you in the face. Although maybe they don’t even do it as discretely as you think. Why do you think nobody ever invites you to meet up? Why do you think you don’t fit in any group of people? Even your family barely tolerates you, even if you don’t realize it. You can put up the face of being stronger, but you know you’re weak. And this is too much for you.
Hello, people from WriteFreely and the known fediverse! My name is Valeria, Val for short. I’m a trans woman born in 1994, born in Mexico city and living in the metropolitan area of the mentioned one. And this is the first entry of I hope a lot in my little personal space. Welcome, everyone.